Some Insight from our Furry Companions...

In our home, the Animals are not just a “Pet”, they are our children. When our eldest Girl Lola was getting ready to head to Spirit, she began communicating with me Telepathically at that time. She shared many things, one of which was that she saw herself as a big black Jaguar, Lola was in fact a 16 pound Chihuahua and Min-Pin, I had to laugh when she shared that she in fact wanted to be known on a Soul level as an animal who is a symbol of majesty and magic -a big ol’ black cat. This actually fit her personality and all she embodied to perfection!

The gift that she shared with me quite honestly, helped me to heal the grief that I felt from her crossing, understand our other Pups better, and then help others in the way she had helped me with this gift she bestowed. I wanted to make this service available to those who also love their Furbabies so incredibly much, and to also be able to teach others how to open up and trust that they too can develop or fine tune their communication with their beloved animals.

Initially I ask that people share a few images of the Animal, from there a connection is made between myself and the Heart and Soul of the Pet whether they are living here on earth or living in Spirit. You see, whether in this physical realm or in the realm of Spirit there is a continuation of life, and the readings are meant to do just that, share hope and evidence that these Companions are with us for an absolute reason and always watching out for us.
At that point I am able to attune with them and share messages they would like their people to know...